Inspired by Nature. Delivered by Science.

Ubiquitous to the jungles of India, the Rufous Treepie is an ever-common yet wonderful sight with its long tail and musical cries. A voracious eater, this little bird is famed as the ‘Toothpick of the Tiger’, as legend has it that it will happily pick the beast’s teeth in search of a meal. Much like our brave ‘Dentist Bird’ that fearlessly steps into the jaws of the tiger, Betru is a bold step towards a traditional yet transformative dental care routine.

Our bodies have evolved multiple natural defences in response to foreign contamination, creating delicately balanced inner ecosystems that work in a collective and holistic manner. Many of the commercial products that we use upset this balance and are counter-productive in the long run. It is our belief that a brighter smile and hygienic oral care doesn’t need to come at the expense of our bodies, and that a natural and hygienic care routine can easily be a part of our daily lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are your formulas clean & non-toxic?
Yup. Our products are formulated using natural and organic ingredients that are enamel safe yet effective at whitening teeth and cleansing the mouth of harmful bacteria. Not a weird, scienc-y ingredient in sight. For the full low down check out our ingredients page.
Who develops Betru?
We do! In collaboration with a team of crazily clever dentists, scientists & chemists and cute little tooth fairies that know their spit.
How are Betru products different?
Our products are made with natural and plant-derived, high quality ingredients and sold in sustainable packaging. We carefully selected each ingredient and avoid harsh chemicals like SLS, unsustainably-sourced ingredients and plastic packaging. Our products are formulated in house and unique to us and unlike any other commercial products on the market.
Where are your products made?
We’ve scoured all corners of the globe to find the most trustworthy, ethical ingredients. And we’ve hit the jackpot! Our awesome manufacturer is based in India.
Why does the product colour vary?
Most commercial dental products use dyes or titanium dioxide to alter the color of their product, but we don’t believe in adding anything that is unnecessary and because our products are made with natural ingredients, the color can vary from time to time – all variations are effective and safe to use. It’s totally normal.
Are your products gluten free?
Our products are made with gluten free ingredients; however, they are made in facilities that handle gluten and are therefore not certified GF.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is an ancient form of nature-based medicine that has been practiced in India for thousands of years. It’s a holistic approach to health; focusing on mind, body, and spirit with techniques such as oil pulling, tongue scraping, yoga, message therapy, meditation and much more!
Are your products tested on animals?

Never! None of our products are ever tested on animals.

Are Betru products safe for kids?

All of our products are safe for kids. We recommend you spit it out after brushing. For kids under 2 years old consult with your dentist.

Is Betru safe for pets?
Our products are made with safe ingredients. However, we don’t recommend using dental care items made for humans on animals.
Why does some of your packaging have plastic?

It’s true! While we’re aiming for plastic-free perfection, we’re just not quite there yet! The packaging industry as a whole isn’t either and so some of the products do have plastic components like stoppers, liners, and or seals. As a company we continue to learn, research, and study ways where we can improve, and are hopeful to achieve our idea of “eco-perfection” in the not-too-distant future. Follow along and stay tuned as we continue to grow!